Corporate & Private Custom Workshops & Events

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards well-being? Our unique service specializes in crafting workshops and retreats, meticulously tailored for both corporate visionaries seeking to foster a culture of wellness within their organizations and private groups yearning for a deeply personalized wellness experience. From a few hours of rejuvenation to several days of soul-nourishing exploration, we seamlessly blend holistic modalities, such as breathwork, yoga, bio-frequency healing, sound therapy, herbal medicine, and invigorating activities that infuse spirit and joy.


  • Renewed Vitality: Reconnect with your inner vitality and radiate wellness.

  • Stress Reduction: Empower your team or group with powerful tools to conquer stress.

  • Enhanced Well-being: Foster a culture of well-being and elevate your life's quality.

  • Deepened Connections: Forge stronger connections within your team or group.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Awaken the spirit within, and find inner harmony.

How It Works

Our journey begins by simply reaching out and connecting. I believe in the power of human connection. Once we've received your inquiry and you've filled out the requisite form, A call be set up with you to engage in a heart-to-heart conversation. Together, we co-create the perfect workshop or retreat experience for you and your group, aligning with your unique desires and intentions.

Duration: Her offerings are as flexible as your aspirations, ranging from immersive two-hour sessions to transcendent three-day retreats.

Prerequisites: No prerequisites, no barriers. All are welcome, and everyone can join the voyage to well-being.

Availability: While our services are typically in-person, we remain open to the possibility of crafting transformative online sessions that seamlessly align with your group's needs.

Customization: Yes, indeed! Her service is a canvas waiting for your unique strokes. Each experience is finely tailored to embrace the individual needs, dreams, and aspirations of every client. Dallas also co creates events and has many amazing wellness coaches that she works with to bring a well-rounded event to you and sculpt the journey you've been yearning for.

Work With Dallas